French Gel Polish Mani/Natural Nail
Soak and clean cuticles, shape and buff nails, French style polish of any color
Soak and clean cuticles, shape and buff nails, French style polish of any color
Warm water soak, nail clip or shape, clean cuticle,file, buff, regular polish and massage( buff shine optional)
(Depending on condition of nails)warm water soak, clip or shape nails, cuticle clean, buff, gel polish of choice, massage
Foot soak, toe nail clip shape and buff with cuticle clean up, foot and leg scrub, toe nail polish(optional) massage, hot towels $5 dollars extra
Nail soak clip shape and buff with massage and reg polish (10xtra for gel polish)
Foot soak toe nail clip shape buff massage with reg polish
Foot soak, toenail clip shape file buff with cuticle clean up, foot and leg scrub, gel polish of choice, foot and leg massage hot towels $5 dollars extra
Nails clipped or file to desired length and shape, soaked, cleaned cuticles, with hand massage
Choice of pedicure service(regular or detox) foot soak, file or cut and shape toenails, foot scrub, massage hot towels $5 dollars extra
Charcoal Detox soak, toenail clip shape file buff with cuticle clean up, charcoal foot and leg scrub, hot towels foot wrap, choice of regular polish, massage
Acrylic powder or hard gel on natural nails for strength
Full set of tips to the natural nail for extension with choice of acrylic or hard gel and regular or gel polish* longer nails are extra
File or cut down tips, change shape of nail tips
Replace nail tip
Soak off acrylic or gel tips clean nails up
Dip natural nails into color powder * longer nails are extra
Dip powder on nail tips
Glitter accent nail, marble, free hand art, +2 colors $5 more
Full nail stones, half stones, 5 or more
Remove old polish buff toenail shape and repolish
Removal of gel polish on toes buff and re polish
An artificial nail is added to the toe nail with acrylic overlay for strength of thin or broken toe nails
White nail tips added to natural nails with acrylic or gel overlay
This process uses 2 acrylic colors on tips by blending the 2 colors of acrylic
False lash strips are added to the natural lash line
Massaging the legs and feet with oils adding hot rocks and towels
Nails soaked clipped or shaped cuticle clean up with buff shine and hand massage
Cuticle soak and clean with nail clip file and shape and buff with hand massage
Before or after hours
Any color French design on nails
Foot soak toenail cut and foot scrub and massage